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Golang Release 1.22: version

How to use the new package in Go standard library to work with Go version strings.

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Golang Release 1.21: slices - Part 2

How to use the new package in Go standard library to sort slices efficiently.

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Golang Release 1.21: slices - Part 1

New package in Go standard library that makes easier to work with slices.

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Golang Release 1.21: cmp

New package in Go standard library that makes easier to compare ordered types.

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Golang Release 1.21: maps

New package in Go standard library that makes easier to work with maps.

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Golang Tutorial: Contract Testing with PACT

The Story about eliminating integration issues from our environments.

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Golang Tutorial: Generics with Gorm

Can we expect to have a comprehensive ORM and DBAL framework, similar to Doctrine, for Go?

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Golang Tutorial: Unit Testing with Mocking

Techniques that have helped me have zero bugs in production for 2 years.

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Golang Tutorial: Generics

One feature to rule them all.

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Practical SOLID in Golang: Dependency Inversion Principle

Practical SOLID in Golang: Interface Segregation Principle

Practical SOLID in Golang: Liskov Substitution Principle

Practical SOLID in Golang: Open/Closed Principle

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